Here are some tips that you should keep in mind when looking for a company to perform the Preventive Maintenance on your Medical equipment:
1-Does the company carry General Liability Insurance?
2-Are the Biomeds trained and can the company show proof of training?
3-Does the company use Test Equipment for the PM’s?
4-What Test Equipment is used?
5-Is the Test Equipment current on calibration, when was the last time that it was calibrated, and due for next calibration?
6-Does the company upgrade the equipment’s software to the latest version?
7-Does the company calibrate all parameters of the equipment?
8-Does the company follow the manufacturer’s guidelines/requirements for Preventive Maintenance of your equipment?
9-Does the company provide test documentation for each PM?
10-Would the test documentation be sufficient for your accreditation system, or hold up in court?
11-If test documentation is lost are you able to request new reports? Is there a time frame for this request?
12-Is there a warranty with the PM?
13-Are any parts included with the PM, if so what?
14-Is the PM for your equipment required or recommend and how often?
An effective PM program by a reputable service provider will not only protect your practice, but will also ensure your patients safety.
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